Created in 2023, YourThreeMinutes is a nonpartisan citizen’s guide to engaging with the Boards and Commissions that make up the City of Kalamazoo’s government. We also promote awareness for the issues by sharing a daily summary of upcoming government meetings, news, election resources, and more.

Why YourThreeMinutes? Our name refers to the public comment time limit in a City Commission meeting. Your time to comment directly to city leaders, in front of your community, is perhaps the most empowering form of civic engagement at the local level. We feel that our name is both an embodiment of that ideal and a constructive call to action. YourThreeMinutes starts now.

First time attending a local government meeting? Check out our guide!


YourThreeMinutes is not affiliated with the City of Kalamazoo. For the most current and accurate information, confirm meeting info at the following: Meeting Calendar / Special Meeting Notices / Meeting Agendas

An ongoing effort of YourThreeMinutes is to introduce audiences to the Government section of the City of Kalamazoo’s website, in hopes that it becomes a more regular part of their civic diet.


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How It Started

Before 2019, my familiarity with our local government was limited, despite being a long-time City of Kalamazoo resident. I had a general understanding of how it all worked, but felt I lacked knowledge in significant areas.

That began to change when I became more invested in several local issues, which led me to meetings hosted by Kalamazoo City Planning. Those issues were then debated at City Commission meetings at City Hall, so I attended those. I wondered how other Commissions and Boards influenced those same issues. Before I knew it, I became interested in the civic process itself. I developed bonds with other community members, who sometimes acted as guides in early meetings I attended. They and City staff helped me answer questions like, “Wait, when do I make a public comment on this specific issue?” or “So, this is an advisory Committee? How does their vote affect this topic?”

The path finally led me to create YourThreeMinutes, out of an appreciation for those who guided me along the way and a desire to build a similar path for others. This evolving project continues to be a labor of love, and I hope it’s a useful part of your day.

Tom Howes | Kalamazoo, MI

The background image throughout much of this site is a portion of the mural in Kalamazoo City Hall’s Commission Chambers. Designed by local artist Otto Stauffenberg, the Art Deco style mural depicts a robed figure, scale, and elaborate floral patterns.


Credits: Icons by Flaticon (Calendar by srip | Meeting by Becris | Hesitate by Parzival | Speaker by Pixel Perfect | Choices, Volunteer by Flaticon | Online work by Syahrul Hidayatullah | Ballot by IconBaandar | October by Elzicon | Network by Maxim Basinski)