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Civic Engagement Guide

Local government meetings are open to the public, but it can be a little confusing if you’ve never attended one. From learning about the various commissions that meet, to making your first public comment, we’re here to guide you through the process.


First, what do we mean by City of Kalamazoo?

The City of Kalamazoo was incorporated as a commission-manager* form of government in 1918. The City Commission is elected by the people of Kalamazoo and serves as the legislative and governing body of the city. 

The City Commission appoints a City Manager to serve as the Chief Administrative Officer for the city. The City Manager is responsible for all administrative appointments, the delivery of services to Kalamazoo residents, and the day-to-day management of the city government. - City of Kalamazoo

You can engage with city boards and commissions to help inform policy direction and other decisions that shape the future of Kalamazoo. Some examples of public engagement are letters, emails, surveys, and perhaps our favorite, attending City meetings and making a public comment.

Unsure if you technically live in the City of Kalamazoo?

6 steps to learn how to attend a city meeting and give a public comment

  • boards and commissions icon

    1. Learn About Boards & Commissions That Meet

    The City of Kalamazoo has 20+ boards and commissions–some make policy decisions, while others play advisory roles. Learn about them here. Want to stay in the loop on a specific meeting schedule? Select a board or commission, then click Add to Calendar.

  • calendar icon

    2. Check the Meeting Calendar

    You know the boards & commissions – now find out when/where they meet. Head to the calendar, pick a meeting, scroll down in the pop-up and click Tell me more. Before attending a meeting, check out Special Meeting Notices for updates, cancellations, etc.

  • Agenda icon

    3. Look for a Meeting Agenda

    Ready to attend a meeting? Let’s check for an available agenda first. Learn what’s being discussed and how the meeting will proceed. Not all meetings will have an available agenda in advance. If one is available, you can usually pick one up when you enter the meeting.

  • city hall icon

    4. Attending a Meeting

    You’re ready to attend a meeting. Not all meetings are at the same place though. And maybe you would rather watch the livestream, or you need some accommodations to participate. This guide navigates you through those concerns and more.

  • Public comment icon

    5. Make a Public Comment

    You’re at the meeting (or watching online), heard the presentations, and now you’re ready to share your thoughts. Learn about giving a public comment and some best practices to make the most of your available time.

  • Where to go from here icon

    6. Now what?

    First, be proud that you made it this far. Second, ask yourself some important questions. What did I learn from this experience? Where do I go from here? Basically, now what? Let’s dive in.

Public comment just not your thing? Check out other ways to engage on the issues.

Civic Engagement Guide +

If you’re not already familiar, it’s worth knowing about Imagine Kalamazoo 2025, a plan to define the city for the next 10 years. Currently focused on developing the Strategic Vision and Master Plan, now is the time for you to get involved in the design process. Learn more about this important plan and how you can help shape it through city outreach programs and, you guessed it, by attending local meetings and providing your valuable public comment.