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Sometimes overlooked, local elections are a critical part of a thriving democracy. Check out this guide to learn more about local elections, candidates, proposals, and more!


Part 1: The basics

Once again, the City of Kalamazoo’s website is a great place for learning about local elections. It’s a big site though, so maybe you missed this important ‘Elections’ page which covers the following:

  • Register to Vote

  • Vote Early or By Mail Using an Absentee Ballot

  • Find Polling Locations & Drop Boxes

  • And more…

Part 2: Additional resources

1. The League of Women Voters of Kalamazoo Area (LWVKA) is a nonpartisan organization with the mission of Empowering Voters and Defending Democracy. Rather than supporting candidates or parties, the League, which is a member organization of the state and national Leagues, takes positions on issues that it has studied. The League is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion.

  • Printing Voter Guides covering national, state, and local elections and distribution throughout Kalamazoo County.

  • Posting our Voter Guide information on our website and

  • Providing voter registration information through publications and seminars.

  • Conducting or co-sponsoring candidate forums and forums on ballot issues.

  • And more…

2. Vote 411 | Launched by the League of Women Voters Education Fund (LWVEF) in October of 2006, is a "one-stop-shop" for election related information. It provides nonpartisan information to the public with both general and state-specific information on the following aspects of the election process:

  • See What's On Your Ballot

  • Find Your Polling Place

  • Discover Upcoming Debates In Your Area

  • And more…