6. Now What? (Guide)

The hard part is over, but now you might be wondering what’s next. Fortunately, there are options to expand what you started. From simply following up on the issue you care about, to applying to become a city commissioner yourself, you can continue to engage in a ways that make sense for you.

  • After attending a meeting, you might be wondering whether the issues that concern you have resulted in final policy decisions, or if the city is continuing to seek feedback. If the issue is ongoing, then you can always refine your statement and comment at future meetings. If you’re unsure, just ask one of the Committee members before or after a meeting.

  • Building connections with a broader community that supports the issues you care about can be a next step. For instance, you might attend meetings as a group and coordinate a unified message to a board or committee. To connect with others, you could also make a post on social media that shares your concerns and prompts others to get involved. Or you might want to connect with organizations that already share your concerns. Not sure where to look? Find out here.

    Local Organizations: Guide

  • The City of Kalamazoo also provides a helpful list of additional ways to provide feedback, such as contacting elected officials, attending project/planning meetings, or filling out surveys/polls.

    Share feedback with the City

  • You might wondering if an issue you care about is outside the responsibility of the City of Kalamazoo. Check out the link below to learn more about the distinctions between different levels of government.

    Learn More

    If you’re still uncertain what level of government to engage with, you can always reach out to the City of Kalamazoo for guidance: Phone: (269) 337-8000 | Email: 311@kalamazoocity.org

  • Heck, maybe you think you can make a bigger difference by being someone who helps make the decisions!

    Join a Board or Commission